Saturday, September 20, 2014

Personal Childhood Web

When I think back to my own childhood, there are certain people that influenced me.  They each make up a part of my personal childhood web.  I would like to share with you a bit of how each of them impacted my life.

My Mom - Carol Weigand
My mom with me in 1970.
I am the only daughter of this amazing woman!  My father was in the Navy which means most of my childhood was spent withe him out to sea. My mom has been a vital part of my life.  She has definitely been one of the biggest influences on shaping me into the woman I am today.  She has taught me the value of love, faith, family, and hard-work.  Her unconditional love and unwavering support is a constant source of comfort.  I have memories of her that go so far back.  Silly times when we would lie on the floor balancing clown boppers on our feet to playing with Barbie dolls wearing clothes that she had made for them.  Trips to spend sunny days swimming at North Lake or buying Lego sets on rainy days to build with at home.  She was my disciplinarian and I definitely knew when I was in trouble!  I have enjoyed seeing her in her role as "Grandma" to my son and daughter.  There have been déjà vu moments for me watching her interact with my children.
Mom teaching me to ride a bicycle.  Our dog, Tawny, running along side!
My Dad - Charles Weigand
My dad and I - 1993
My dad is an intelligent, complex man.  I was born while he was earning his degree at Perdue University.  He was already in the Navy at that point too.  For most of my childhood, he was out to sea.  However, I realized while searching for photographs to use in this post that he did most of the picture taking throughout my childhood and, therefore, the first photograph I could find of us together was at my wedding.  My fondest childhood memories involving my dad were when he would read to me before bed.  I had this large book that held a collection of children's tales that he would always read from.  I had one story that I would request all of the time;  Lazy Jack.  My dad and I also took a SCUBA certification course together and he would usually help me with all of my writing assignments.  My dad was really into health foods most of my childhood which meant on days when he made my school lunch I would go to school with a peanut butter (ground from whole peanuts at the store) and honey or banana sandwich on whole grain bread.  No one ever wanted to trade sandwiches with me on those days!
My mom and dad at my most recent college graduation - 2014

My Grandma - Irene Eccleston
My Grandma reading to me. - 1971

My maternal grandparents were basically part of my immediate family.  We didn't move as much as other military families, but we moved enough.  My grandparents home was a constant in my life.  In fact, it still is since it has been my home now for the past eighteen years.  I spent a lot of time with my grandmother.  We would often watch television together, especially game shows and the soap operas on CBS.  Saturday lunches were hot dogs, baked beans, and brown bread.  She also taught me how to jump rope and play hopscotch.  My grandma was warm and loving.  I can remember helping her hang clothes out on the line to dry.  She was always reading a library book and she loved to sing Christmas carols.  Her sister, my Great Aunt Julia, spent a lot of time visiting my grandmother.  They were a wonderful example of sisterhood.  I often attended Mass with them.  They were a large part of my Catholic upbringing.  My grandma died while I was still in high school, yet I miss her to this very day.
Me with my grandma, grandpa, Great Aunt Julia, and my mom - Easter 1980
My Grandpa - Everett Eccleston

Grandpa and me - 1970
One of my favorite pictures!
In his backyard - 1971
He always played with me.
He liked when I would read to him.
A common scene!
That is pure love!
 I really don't even know where to begin with this guy!  I loved him!  I adored him!  He was my favorite person in the whole world!  He was my Grandpa!  My grandpa worked third shift and when I spent the night at my grandparents home, I knew when I woke up in the morning there would be a box of Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts on the kitchen counter.  As tired as he probably was, he would wake up to spend the day with me.  He would take me "window shopping" which usually entailed me coming back home with a new toy.  He let me "do his hair" and "make him pretty with make-up."  We always read the comics from the newspaper together.  He spent a lot of time in his workshop at home and I was right there with him.  He taught me how to hammer, use a drill, use solder, and cut wood with a hand saw.  When I wanted a Barbie Dream House, he built me one out of wood.  It even had an elevator!  I still have that house!  When I wanted a new Barbie van, he built me one.  I wanted a swing and he made me a tire swing.  I wanted a trophy case for all of my dance trophies and I got one built to my specifications.  I needed an entertainment center for my room.  Yes, I got one built just as I had drawn it.  There were a few restaurants he would take me to and we would always get seafood.  The 77 club and Unk's on the Bay was where we went for steamers and lobster.  We would always get clam chowder at the Lighthouse Inn and clam fritters down at Ocean Beach.  When my grandma passed away, my grandpa took me on a little vacation.  We went to Atlantic City and we visited Amish country.  He was always "working"  even when he was retired.  His hands were always rough and he would give your hand a good squeeze.  I wish my children could have known him for longer.  He died when they were very young.  Some of my favorite photographs are of him with my children.  I miss him every day!
We were quite the pair!
Helped me learn to ride a bike.
He made me a tire swing!
He even wore a pink hat!
Best Friend - Heather Stafford
Heather and I having a sleepover!
Nowadays, the term "best friend" seems to be over-used and hardly holding the meaning it once did.  I have had several close friends over the years, but only one best friend.  Heather and I met when we were just four years old.  We have been best friends for over forty years!  We have been through so many events and so many stages of our lives together.  We were both "Navy brats."  But, even when we were living in separate states we wrote letters and visited.  We built forts, played together from sun up to sun down, we had sleepovers, and shared many birthday celebrations.  We were girl scouts together, we spent summers swimming at North Lake, and went exploring our neighborhood together.  We loved spending the night at each other's house even though we always quarreled about something.  I can't imagine life without her!
True Best Friends!


  1. I enjoyed viewing your pictures. What a wonderful family!!!!!

  2. I also enjoyed reading your entry about your amazing family! I wish I had photos of me and my important influences but unfortunately I do not. I can see you treasure the memories you grew up with very much!

  3. This web was great! The pictures really brought your memories to life!

  4. Jennifer I LOVE your post! I smiled so much my mother asked what was I reading. The section on your grandfather was very touching and I almost cried. Your pictures were also wonderful. I come from a military town, and I would hear children complaining about their parent always out to sea, but you seemed to have had loving and supportive family and best friend around you.
