Saturday, September 26, 2015

Myself as a Communicator: My View and How Others View Me

This week I evaluated myself as a communicator using three tests:  Communication Anxiety, Verbal Aggressiveness, and Listening Styles.  Then, I had a family member and a co-worker evaluate me using the same three tests.  I was quite surprised by the results.

Communication Anxiety:

  • My Personal Score - 45
  • Family Member Scoring Me - 39
  • Co-Worker Scoring Me - 39

Communication Anxiety Test Results:

Verbal Aggression:

  • My Personal Score - 57
  • Family Member Scoring Me - 60
  • Co-Worker Scoring Me - 62

Verbal Aggression Test Results:

Listening Styles:

  • My Personal Score - Group 1
  • Family Member Scoring Me - Group 1
  • Co-Worker Scoring Me - Group 1

Listening Skills Test Results:

Although the actual scoring number differed, I ended up in the same results range when comparing all of our scores.  I definitely agree with the results of the Communication Anxiety and Verbal Aggression tests.  However, when I finished the Listening Skills test, I thought I more matched the description for Group 2.

I even took the test again, but still ended up in Group 1.  I assumed that when I had the others take the test, especially my co-worker, I would result in Group 2.  But, both resulted in Group 1.  It was definitely interesting to learn that my personal view of myself as a communicator matches how others view me as a communicator!


  1. Hello Jennifer,

    We have two out of the three assessments similar to one another. I myself was categorized in group one for listening styles and mild for communication anxiety. My mother and significant other both stated that my three categories fit me as a communicator. I scored "significant" in the aggression assessment which the evaluation individuals stated reminded them of me. I have to say and I stay true to this is that I have changed through the years and thankful that I have changed for the positive. I'm lessening my aggression in response and giving others opportunities to complete their exchange in conversation which back then, I would cut short so that I was able to get my point across. Communicating effectively takes practice and practice I will do to utilize this important skill when working with young children and families.


  2. Hello Jennifer,
    I enjoyed your post and how you outlined the results. I was not able to access the written results as you have listed, only the number score. I appreciate you for listing this as I now understand what Group 1 refers to, which adequately describes me. Thanks so much!

  3. Jennifer,
    I really liked the quote, but in my results it seems that the people that I chose think a lot like me. The person that I chose was a previous supervisor (Danielle) that I worked with and from the first time that we met we saw how much we had in common, she even said that we were like "Dos Gotas de Agua" which translated to English means “like two peas in a pod”. Now my son (Luis) is very much like me so our results were almost a mirror image, the only difference was in the verbal aggressive scale.
    The results were:
    Listening Styles Profile: all of us were in group 1
    Communication Anxiety Inventory:
    My score-40
    Luis' score-41
    Danielle's score-37
    Verbal Aggressiveness Scale:
    My score-70
    Luis' score-68
    Danielle's score-61
    The difference was because Danielle rated me in a work related environment and my son and I in a home environment. You know that at work we tend to be more cautious when dealing with others.
