Thursday, July 12, 2018

Play! It's What You're Paid To Do!

Early childhood educators have one of the best jobs in the world! Let's face it; the pay stinks. But, very few jobs allow you to dig in a sandbox, finger-paint with pudding, or explore space in a cardboard rocket ship.
Too often, teachers just sit and watch the children play. Or, worse, pull out their cell phones and scroll through social media. Early childhood educators are not child-watchers or baby-sitters. Get up, get on the floor, and play! You might find out that it is absolute fun!

Playing with the children at their level allows you to build relationships and engage in conversations. The children will respond better. They will listen! They will have learned to trust you better because they have sat with you and had intimate conversations while digging sand into a bucket. They will laugh and smile with you as you squish your hands along with theirs in a bowl of flubber.

Play is an essential part of life for all ages. Young children learn through play. There are times that a teacher needs to sit back and observe, but there are more time in which children will welcome you into their play and respect you more for engaging with them.

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