Saturday, September 13, 2014

As a Child Sees It

One afternoon all but one of our preschoolers had gone home for the day by 4:00pm.  "J" was left with an hour to go before his mom was due to arrive.  After building with Legos, writing letters, and reading a book, he asked if I would work with him on my iPad.  I brought out the iPad and he did some puzzles and a memory game.  Finally, he asked if we could watch a video.  We scrolled through a few Reading Rainbow videos when he saw a Peanuts video I had.  He asked if we could watch it.  I told him we didn't have enough time to see the whole video, but we could watch a few minutes.  He and I watched about ten minutes of "You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown."  The next day he came in, went to the art table, and started drawing.  A little while later he came over, handed me his paper, and asked if I knew who it was.

He had clearly drawn Charlie Brown!  I told him that it was definitely Charlie Brown.  He smiled and said that watching Charlie Brown with me was "the best day ever!"


  1. Great story Jennifer. You have make a great impact on that child's life. Often times, what we think is small is usually big for a child.

  2. I love this story Jennifer. It put a big smile on my face. It is amazing how much children can remember and be amazing drawers so young. He did a wonderful job and I am sure you made his day by identifying what he had drawn.
