Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sharing Web Resources

The National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators ( is an organization that focuses on early childhood teacher education.  As listed on their web site, their purpose is as follows:

  • To promote the professonal growth of our membership
  • To discuss educational issues specific to our membership
  • To advocate for improvements in early childhood teacher education
  • Provide a forum for consideration of issues and concerns of interest to educators of early childhood teacher educators
  • Provide a communication network for early childhood teacher educators
  • Facilitate the interchange of information and ideas about research and practice
  • Use, as vehicles, the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, conferences, resolutions, position papers, and other publications
  • Cooperate with other national and international organizations concerned with the study and education of young children
They publish the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education.  Their journals are available to members of NAECTE and through college libraries that subscribe.  I found several articles on the issue of culture and diversity.  A few of these articles were titled "Service Learning:  A Promising Strategy for Connecting Future Teachers to the Lives of Diverse Children and Their Families," "Fostering Culturally and Developmentally Responsive Teaching Through Improvisational Practice," and "Children Crossing Borders:  Immigrant Parent and Teacher Perspectives on Preschool."  The articles are very informative and are directed at early childhood educators and those that teach early childhood educators.

Elizabeth Graue, Kristin Whyte & Kate Kresin Delaney (2014) Fostering Culturally and Developmentally Responsive Teaching Through Improvisational Practice, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 35:4, 297-317, DOI: 10.1080/10901027.2014.968296

Harriet Able , Hatice Ghulamani , Ritsa Mallous & Jocelyn Glazier (2014) Service Learning: A Promising Strategy for Connecting Future Teachers to the Lives of Diverse Children and Their Families, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 35:1, 6-21, DOI: 10.1080/10901027.2013.874383

Mayra Almodóvar & Julia T. Atiles (2015) Children Crossing Borders: Immigrant Parent and Teacher Perspectives on Preschool, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 36:1, 84-86, DOI: 10.1080/10901027.2015.1001644


  1. Hi Jennifer, I am glad to know about naecte. I had not heard of it before. The articles you mentioned sound great! Which one did you like best? Thanks for the information.

  2. Hi Jennifer, You shared some interesting information about your organizations that you subscribed to and I am ready to read more about the organizations.
