Saturday, July 11, 2015

My Family Culture - An Exercise


A major catastrophe devastates your country and the emergency government decides that all survivors must be evacuated to other countries.  Survivors have no say in where they are relocated to and their stay there may be permanent.  You and your immediate family are being evacuated to a country in which the culture is completely different from yours.  You make take one change of clothes and 3 small items with you.  You decide to take three items that you hold dear and that represent your family culture.

I don't know about you, but I immediately have anxiety just thinking about choosing just three items!  The first thought I had was that I would take my photo albums and scrapbooks.  But, they do not fit as one item and there are several of them.  However, my laptop and my phone hold thousands of pictures of my family.  Photos hold so many memories of my family and tell so many stories that I can't imagine a better way to take my cultuire and history with me.

The next item I think I would take with me is our family Bible.  I guess that sounds cliche, but I do have the names and dates of every event written in it and it holds important papers and clippings.  It would help carry on the history of my family as we journeyed to our new country.

The third item I would take is my jewelry box.  Now, anyone that knows me knows I wear my wedding rings, my Pandora bracelets, and maybe a pair of earrings.  However, my jewlery box holds some of my grandmother's jewelry that was passed down to me, jewelry that was given to me by family members over the years, and other small mementos.

But, the exercise is not finished!  Now, imagine that when you arrive in your new country you are told that you may only keep one of the three items you brought with you!  What?!?!?  Are you kidding me?  Ugh!  I guess I would choose to keep my laptop or phone (notice I still haven't fully committed to which one of those I would choose!).

There are a few things this exercise brought to mind.  First, I have so many things that narrowing them down to three or even one seems nearly impossible.  Second, I have been through the devastation of losing family photos that can never be replaced and I would never want to go through that again!  In deciding to take my laptop or phone, I realized that I may start scanning several older family pictures in order to have them saved digitally.  In addition, since I would have had to give up my family Bible, I would also scan the documents and written pages into a digital file.  Finally, I may just shove as much of the jewelry and momentos from my box as I can into my pockets!


  1. Great Post Jennifer!!! I can't even picture the thought of having to leave anything behind because I value everything I have. I value my family items the most such as photos. jewelry, and my phone if I could take it. Photos hold a lot of memories each time you look at them you remember what the day may have been about or the occasion. I suppose this is why people bury some form of a time capsules in their backyard.

  2. Jennifer,
    After my best friend's childhood home burned to the ground while her parents were on vacation and they lost all of their family pictures and keepsakes, we all decided we needed to do something to keep this from happening to us. All of my pictures, important documents, and files have been saved on to flash drives. I have a ring of flash drives now and I would not have to try to choose between my phone or my laptop. I would just have to hope that wherever I was sent had the technology for me to be able to retrieve these files. Unfortunately, it took a catastrophe for my friend for our group to realize we needed to safeguard our important stuff. We actually took it a step farther and I have three rings, one in a fire proof safe in my house, one in a safe deposit box and one at my office in a fire proof safe.

  3. Jennifer,
    I found your choices to be very interesting; I am not a fan of jewelry nor technology so I found that your post gave me a very different perspective. Would your final choice of laptop/phone still be the same if wherever you were placed did not have electricity?

    1. Hi Laura - I believe my choices would be the same. Although we were evacuated to the new country, it did not specify that we would remain their forever.

  4. Jennifer,
    I think every feels the anxiety of only being able to pick three items. I imagine though that those feelings of fear and anxiety are shifted toward going somewhere you have never been, that isnt your culture during such a tramatic time. It makes me wonder if are choices now would be the same if we were under pressure and didnt have time to decide.

    Nicole Zarilla
