Friday, July 24, 2015

Awareness of Microaggressions

Do you know what a Microaggression is?  Chances are that you have either been the target of microaggressions or you have used them towards others either unintentionally or intentionally.  Microaggressions can be based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or disabilities.

This week, I was out having dinner with my family when I overheard a man at the table next to me make a blatantly derogatory remark about another individual being gay.  The waitress had looked at him in shock.  His response to her look was, "Don't look at me like that!  I'm not a racist!  My girlfriend's daughter is half-black!"  Um, what?!

Often, the individual who used a microaggression is not even consciously aware that they have hurt or offended the person they are speaking to.  It is vitally important for early childhood professionals to be intentional in their communications with families and children in order to ensure that they do not use microaggressions.  Be aware of the words and phrases you use!

Still unsure of what a Microaggression is?  Here are some examples I found:

This video by Ken Tanaka is an example of a Microaggression taken to the extreme!


  1. Jennifer the guy at the restaurant was extremely rude and out of character! In my opinion, he knew exactly what he was saying he just thought what he was saying was okay. People have to be more respectful of what they say and careful as well. Some people can become very violent over certain comments and it doesn't have to be this way.

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I totally agree with Tomika. This guy knew exactly what he was saying. I think that one problem is that there are people out there that think you will buy into what they are saying negatively about a group or individual if you associate it with a seemingly positive situation that you are a part of. The second problem is that he seems to think that being a racist means you are against anyone or anything that goes again the grain of the presumed dominant culture of our society. Since when does speaking derogatorily against gays have to do with being a person of color? This guy has put his ignorance out front for the world to see. I am so sorry for his girlfriend, but even more so, I am afraid for her daughter. This guy is the exact type of person that we need to be watchful of around our children.

    Amelia Wilson

  3. Hello Jennifer,
    Oh how I love your blog! Those are great examples of microaggressions. Some people think that they can say anything they want and it is supposed to be alright; but, I beg to differ! It is just like Donald Trump stereotyping and labeling Mexicans as drug lords, murders, rapists, and get this one, "infectious diseases crossing the border." Now if this is not microaggression, I don't know what is!!!! Just plain sad :(

  4. Jennifer,
    Great images and examples of microaggressions. I don't know what to say or how to decrease the large number of microaggresions that occur each day. I think the first step is educating people about others and stressing the importance of the fact that children learn through their environment so if change is needed it must first begin at home. Great post.

  5. Jennifer,
    Your post and example really showed just how dangerous microagression is in its subtle form. Having these incidents be under the level of someone awareness shows why its so scary. How do we change someone people aren't even aware of themselves. How do we make people more aware of their comments and ignorance. I think this is why its so important that children begin to learn now about others differences and that it is a normal way of life to accept and recognize the richness of our cultures.

    Nicole Zarilla

  6. Hi Jennifer, thank you for sharing you post. I really enjoyed reading it. Your example of the man and waitress in the restaurant is a perfect example of someone having unintended consequences. Some people just are so rude and out of line and obviously don't think before they speak.

