Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Opression

On February 15, 1981, I was just about two months shy of my eleventh birthday and I was watching television in the family room.  The Jeffersons was about to come on and it was one of my favorite programs.  That night's episode was titled, "Sorry, Wrong Meeting," and it changed my life.

I have found the full episode and watched it again.  Thirty-four years have passed and it still impacts me.  The episode is about racism, particularly between whites and blacks.  Please, watch the episode (this video repeats part of the episode after it ends about 21 minutes in).

Spoilers ahead!

Hopefully, you took the time to watch the episode.  I saw it on the night it first aired.  As a ten year old white girl, I was shocked and stunned.  I remember sitting in the living room in disbelief after the episode ended.  How could anyone have so much hatred towards another person based on the color of their skin?  How could anyone prefer death over having a black person save their life?  It made no sense to me at ten years old and it makes no sense to me at forty-five years old.

Since I first saw this episode, I have unfortunately witnessed racism in many forms including microaggressions.  I have also met many people who stand against racism.  Has there been a defining moment in your life that helped to form your views on racism?


  1. Jennifer,
    Watching this episode was eye-opening to the hate some people have for other people. I know this is an old episode, but I know there are people with these attitudes still today. I really like the quote you posted by Eminem. That is such a great attitude and philosophy for us to live by. I try to live by this same thought in my professional and personal life.

  2. Hi Jennifer thank you for sharing your post! I have seen the Jefferson's many times as well as that show with Redd Foxx, think it was called Sanford and Sons. It is amazing how much hatred one can have toward another especially when it comes to their race. My step-day would tell me he seen Redd Foxx do stand-up and people were actually walking out of his show because it was so raunchy and he was so racist towards white people. I do love the quote you posted by Eminem and it would be nice if we could all just live by that.

